YTT - Teaching - Impact


Impact on our students

Yoga classes, even if they use physical activity, are more than just movement. We all have experienced and seen this. Yoga impacts on a person's life in several levels of their existence.

Through our yoga teaching we: 

1. Inspire people to be the best version of themselves. 

2. Help them to release physical and emotional blockages. 

3. Teach them to love themselves and connect with their inner self. 

4. Give them overall and holistic health.

As yoga teachers, we have a very big responsibility. Making positive improvements in people's lives means that we have to be mindful always on what we are delivering to our class. It's not about the complexity of your asanas - yoga is not gymnastics. It's about the way the students feel after your class. 

This feeling can be influenced through the asanas, breathwork, and meditation work that you include in your class. But most of all what influences your students is your authenticity, your focus on your stutents journey and your intention to be there for your students and give them the best you can offer. So, leave your personal workout outside the classroom and remember: We are here for our students, it‘s not about us. 

More tips on finding your intention and building your class 

Here are a few questions that can help you finding your intention:

• What do you want your students to feel after your class? 

• What do you want to do for them in all levels? 

• What do they need? 

• How can you help them? 

Your intention for your class is the basis on which everything is based and your first step. The type of class (gentle flow, dynamic flow, power flow, restorative) is the second and structures the balance between activating or intense asanas and relaxing asanas. 

This might give you a basic structure or plan that you intend to follow. In order to fine tune it further, you need to:

• know your Students (Who are the participants in your class? What are their names? First time in a yoga class or what level in practice (most of the time you will see this the first time in class)? What are their needs?) Do the check-in for your class yourself or spend some time before or after class and get to know them on a personal level. They will appreciate the attention - they are here in your class because they enjoy your teaching and YOU. 

• Before the class starts, perhaps at the check in or just somewhere in the studio, ask your students about important health facts and how they are today. Maybe one of them has a health issue that you have to respect or needs tips for adjustments. Maybe one of them is feeling stressed or depressed. All these are information you can use to influence your students in the best possible way and make them feel save, more comfortable, respected and seen.And don’t wait for people to come up to you - approach them. 

• Encourage your class to tell if they didn’t understand something or to ask questions. If they don’t tell or ask, you will not know and you won’t be able to help them. 

• Know Your Craft: Teach poses you know and practice to be authentic and secure a save practice for your students. The more knowledgeable you are about the effects, benefits and contraindications of the postures that you are giving to your class, the better you will be able to adjust your students and support them. Always keep learning! Because so you can learn to help your students more. 

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