27.05.-03.06.2023 - Kiveri, Greece
1 last spot!
Move, breathe, experience yourself anew and enjoy!
Bring the mind to rest. This is one of the central ideas of yoga.
And I think sometimes we all wish for some of this calmness in our fast, stimulus-flooded everyday life. To take a break from all the thoughts (Patanjali calls them 'tangles of the mind'), obligations, 'to-dos' that we have throughout the day, in fact throughout life at any given time.
This week we take time for ourselves - to practice and to connect.
You will explore yourself, your body and your practice in a new way - out of the daily routine. And you will enjoy sun, beach and sea. Not a bad outlook.
Give yourself this time and this special experience.
And I am sure: a lot of what will happen here you wouldn't have expect before. Perhaps least of all, how much you will surprise yourself.
(for orientation, all program items are optional! You as a participant are free to use your time as YOU wish).
Day 1 (Saturday, 27.05.23)
Day 2-7
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8 (03.06.)
Included services:
What is not included:
Conditions for cancellation:
Svenja Karen Gabriela Berndt
Inhaberin Yoga Base Cologne
Am Rinkenpfuhl 27-29
50676 Köln